Tag Archives: Tater Tots

For a Friend : Bacon Wrapped Tater Tots

“They got tater in them”?

“Yes  sir” !

“They fried”?

“Yes, Sir” !

“Well then, get going”!

These were lines from a TV show I watch, which sum up most of the essence of something good. Add bacon, which we know never hurts, and you end up with these flavorful nuggets. A friend asked me what I was cooking to go along with my steak last night, and I told him I was thinking about this. Thought became action, and these were the result. Of course, they may be served as a tasty snack, rather than a side dish.


  • 1 pound frozen Tater Tots
  • 1 pound fatty bacon
  • 1-2 hot peppers, finely julienned
  • Parmesan cheese (for garnish)
  • Green onion (for garnish)
  • Oil for frying

Start by pre-cooking the tater tots. Either by frying or cooking in the oven, prepare them according to package instructions. You pre cook them, so they will be crispy all around, when wrapped with bacon and cooked.

Cut each strip of bacon into 2-3 parts, each part long enough to wrap a tater tot fully. You want to use fatty bacon, as this will stick to the tot better during frying. Take each pre-cooked tot, and a slice of the pepper, and tightly wrap it with a piece of the bacon. Secure with a toothpick. Do this until you run out of tots or bacon !

Drop the tots into hot oil (350 degrees) and cook until the bacon is golden brown. Drain on paper towels, and remove the toothpicks. While still hot, grate some parmesan cheese, to taste onto the tots. Garnish with finely chopped green onions (in the picture, I used leeks, because I had them).