Tag Archives: Parmesan

Parmesan Tilapia

The use of mayonnaise to cover fish when cooking is an old southern secret, and the addition of parmesan cheese, though it runs counter to the rule of not mixing fish and cheese, makes this a quick and easy way for preparing fish. The result is a slightly crispy, but very tender fish that goes great with many side dished – In my case, I served it over mashed potatoes.

This is one of those preparation where you can go from start to finish in only about 20 minutes.


  • Tilapia fillets (one per person)
  • 2/3 cup finely grated parmesan cheese
  • 1/3 cup panko bread crumbs
  • mayonaise
  • salt (to taste)
  • ground red pepper (to taste)

Start by lining a large baking sheet with aluminum foil. Light grease it with butter or olive oil. Mix the parmesan cheese and panko together in a bowl.

For each fish fillet, do the following: Sprinkle the salt and red pepper, to your taste, one one side of the fish. Then spread about a tablespoon of mayonnaise evenly over that side of the fish. Pour a generous amount of the breadcrumb/cheese mixture over the fish, and get a good, even coating. Then place the fish on the greased baking pan, coated side down. Repeat the application of seasonings, mayonnaise, and crumbs on the top side of the fish.

Place the fish in a 350 degrees oven for 10 to 15 minutes, until the crust becomes golden brown. Serve nice-n-hot !