Tag Archives: Chipotle

Patatas Bravas

In keeping with my last post, I decide to continue with the ‘simple is best’ philosophy and go with a classic Spanish tapas dish – Patatas Bravas. Ok, so big French Fries don’t sound that creative, but, if you have ever had these, you know they really are a treat. An even better treat is just how simple they are to prepare. Especially when you use whole canned white potatoes. There really are only a few canned vegetables I ever use for anything – normally they are just awful. But in this case, they work perfectly, and in this case, there is no loss of quality at all. By themselves, or a a part of a meal, Patatas Bravas hit the spot. I served mine with a quick chipotle mayo.


  • 2 cans whole white potatoes
  • salt
  • paprika
  • oil for frying
  • 4 tablespoons mayonaise
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon ground chipotle pepper

Open the canned potatoes and drain them. Take the  larger potatoes and cut them in half, so that you end up with uniform sized pieces, around 3/4 of an inch chunks. In oil heated to about 350 degrees, deep fry the potatoes for about 10 minutes, until the outsides are very crisp and golden. Remove from the oil and drain on paper towels. While still hot, sprinkle on salt and paprika to taste. Serve as hot as possible. The crispy outside will contract well with the soft inside of the potatoes !

For the chipotle mayo, simply combine the mayo, tomato paste and chipotle pepper, and mix well. Serve in a small bowl with the potatoes.