Tag Archives: Cheddar Cheese

Mock Cheese Grits

There are times, albeit few, when grits may not be appropriate. Maybe someone is on a silly low-carb diet, or still refuses to believe grits and polenta are the same thing (neither of which grow on a bush), or maybe, just maybe, you need a slightly different flavor/texture profile. QED, we have these mock cheese grits. The secret ingredient is orange cauliflower in place of the corn meal. Easy to prepare and very versatile, try them with your favorite seafood entree.


  • 2 heads orange cauliflower
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 2/3 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1/2 tablespoon white pepper
  • 1/2 tablespoon cayenne pepper

Remove the leaves and thick stems form the two heads of cauliflower, and break the cauliflower into large chunks. Place in a large pot, with plenty of water, and boil on low heat, until the cauliflower is very tender, about 40 minutes. Drain using a colander, and place in a large bowl.

While the cauliflower is still hot, add the 4 tablespoons of butter, allowing the butter to soften, and then beging mashing the cauliflower with a fork. The idea is to thoroughly mash the cauliflower, while still leaving some lumps, for texture. Next add the salt pepper and cayenne pepper, as well as the cheese and fold it all in with a spoon, until well mixed.

The mock cheese grits are now ready, or they can be kept refrigerated and reheated in the microwave when it is time to be served.