Huevos Avocados

While I frequently forget that sometimes, “simpler is better”, occasionally I do remember that philosophy, and do something that surprises me in its satisfaction-to-work ratio. This is definitely one of those things. Really just 3 ingredients, that blend together so nicely, and which could be served at breakfast, lunch or dinner. I’ll be making them again soon.


  • Avocados (at least one per person)
  • Eggs (one per avocado)
  • Shredded queso fresco (or mozzarella cheese)
  • pinch of salt
  • pinch of red pepper

Start with firm avocados. Ripe or over-ripe will be difficult to work with, and besides, the cooking process will soften them up just fine. With the peel still attached, slice off, lengthwise the sides of the avocado, so that you have a center-cut of about 3/4 of an inch remaining. Using a paring knife, carefully remove the pit, so that you end up with a slice that has a big hole in it. Now remove the peel for the outside of your slice.

Place the avocado slice on a well greased baking pan, and crack 1 large egg into the hole. It’s fine if some of the egg spills out, but make sure to keep the yolk whole and in the hole! Place the pan in a 350 degree oven and cook for about 20 minutes – longer if you want your egg well done, less if you are fine with a runny yolk. About 5 minutes prior to the end of cooking, top with shredded queso fresco, and switch the oven to low broil. Broil until the cheese is bubbly, and remove from the oven.

Use a spatula to remove the avocado/egg from the pan (remember, your pan should have been well greased !), plate them, and put a pinch of salt and red pepper on them to serve.

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