A word on Portioning

It occurred to me that some of you have questions regrading the portion sizes of the recipes I have been giving, and that is pretty fair question to ask.

I think a lot of the recipes are ‘self explanatory’ – in other words, if you are making the Chimichurri Chicken, then you will need one breast per person you are planning to serve. What may not be apparent is the amount of chimichurri sauce to prepare. In this case, and in most others, I usually provide for enough ‘sauce’ or ‘stock’, or ‘carrier medium’ for four servings.

Some recipes however, give measurements for one of the specific items, such as in the Bacon Scotch Egg recipe.

Any of the recipes may be scaled up or down, as you see fit for the amount you think you might need. Bear in mind, when I am cooking, I am normally cooking for 2: myself and my wife, Julia. But also keep in mind that we are pretty healthy eaters, and we normally have some leftovers. So you may not need to adjust very much to feed 4 people !

As always, if you have any questions about a specific recipe, don’t hesitate to ask !

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